Victoria Mohon Phone: 270-887-7050
FFA is open to all students that are enrolled in agriculture courses at Christian County High School. Students may pay $20 to their agriculture teacher to gain membership. Members are involved in various recreational activities, contests, and leadership events throughout the school year.
Be sure to follow us on facebook at "Christian Co. Ag Dept." and on Twitter "@christiancoffa" for more details. We also have a Remind account to receive text messages. Sign up for that by texting (270) 632.4244 and type "cchsff" in the message
FFA is open to all students that are enrolled in agriculture courses at Christian County High School. Students may pay $20 to their agriculture teacher to gain membership. Members are involved in various recreational activities, contests, and leadership events throughout the school year.
Be sure to follow us on facebook at "Christian Co. Ag Dept." and on Twitter "@christiancoffa" for more details. We also have a Remind account to receive text messages. Sign up for that by texting (270) 632.4244 and type "cchsff" in the message